Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekly Photo Post #8

In this photo, I really liked the contrast in regard to color; the cool blue color of the car, contrasted against the hint of orange in the head light. The fact that the circular shape of the tire is placed almost in the center of the photograph adds a sense of balance to the composition. 

More than anything else, I wanted to capture the warm brown colors in the brick wall, the bird, and the rust. The pattern of the brick wall added an interesting background to an otherwise blasé subject. 
I had passed by the generator many times over the years, but it wasn't until I stopped to photograph it did I notice the sheer amount of repetition in the generator itself. For instance, to the far right there is a repetition of light and shadow, and to the left there is a clear repetition of line and shape. 

Texture and color were important elements in this photograph; the texture of the brick building, in contrast with the softer texture of the tree leaves. Then, the orange and brown color of the man-made building, set against the blue and green of the sky and tree leaves, respectively. I pasteurized the photo to emphasize the texture and shadows. 

On top of the stark difference between foreground and background lighting (how the background is in shadow, whereas the foreground is brightly lit), I liked the repeating pattern of the wood grain, and the haphazard way in which the wood planks were stacked. 

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