Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Weekly Photo Post #12

Value was an integral  part of this photograph, in addition to the tonal range captured. For instance, the highlights on the metal rod are very clearly defined, as are the shadows and gray areas. Overall, the lighting of the picture adds a three-dimensional quality to the subject which otherwise would be lacking. 

Even though the subject is static, the repetition of the flowers as well as the leaves incorporate a sense of movement into the photograph. The composition of the picture adds to the overall movement of the piece ; it is unbalanced, with more of the flowers arcing up toward the top right corner than in the opposite direction. 

Perspective was employed in this photograph in order to emphasize the yucca seed pod; the subject was intentionally brought to the foreground, while the rest of the background faded away into a blur. Yet, the radial symmetry of the background (the yucca leaves sprouting out) are both interesting to look at, and they also help to guide the viewer's eye directly to the center of the piece. 

I believe the combination of shapes and lines incorporated in this photo make the architecture appealing to the viewer. The texture of the metal walkways provide definite beginning as well as ending points for the viewer's eye to follow. Furthermore, the stark contrast between color adds depth and dimension to the photo. 

I purposefully offset the subject in order to emphasize the contrast between the circular shape of the lock and the loosely square shapes of the fence links.  However, to unify the photograph, I chose to keep the background simplistic. Furthermore, the color and texture of the lock handle blends nicely with the color and texture of the chain link fence. 

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